Today we’re going to issue some citations for TV license violations, we’re going to nicely suggest that certain neighbors turn off the lights when they leave the room, and I manage to get a couple of neighbors on a 3-way call which gets very confusing. The opening song is by
In this episode, Mr. Dobalina calls up a few neighbors to talk to them about following them around all day, about a fun giant leaf pile for the neighborhood kids, I try to dig a large hole in someone’s yard, I ask a neighbor to quit listening to my baby
In today’s episode, we visit the Kitty Creeper one last time before I throw her into the archive forever. Then we move on to some bizarre house rental calls all the way out in New Bedford. The intro song is by dkm90. The background music, who knows. The end song

I posted this the other day, but forgot to include the audio. Weed is bad for you, kids. Every September, known to us regulars as Dingtember, I invite my listeners on The Snow Plow Show to join in the juvenile fun with me by leaving notes on cars in public

Here are four very important calls for you to listen to, including a sicko who listens to my baby monitor with his police scanner like a nerd, a Guitar Center manager who can’t handle a simple magnetic event, a convenience store owner who get totally fooled, and a man named
Today I celebrate the 2 year loss of my tape measure, Mike doesn’t want a hole in his yard, Criefaux finds a new D&D friend, Devon and Llama prank a really mean man, and I steal a hotel’s waffle maker to do arts and crafts with. The opening intro cover
Today’s show has a man freaking out over personal papers that don’t exist, confusion over the *11 telephone codes, I replacing my apartment’s electrical wiring with water, and Milkbox ruins the entire Lord’s Day for one woman. The opening intro cover song is by HD-flat Beats. The background music throughout
Every year my favorite holiday, Dingtember, arrived where listeners leave notes on cars that claim I dinged them, and I deal with all the fallout from the notes. Included in this episode are a few good ding calls from recent years. Opening parody of Mista Dobalina is by DKM90. The
Today we’re listening to nothing but Tenants From Hell calls from The Snow Plow Show. You’ll get to hear land lords deal with toilet paper tubes, tenants crawling around on roofs, a beach theme on the floors, and a tenant-built walk-in freezer. Here’s a link to The Snow Plow Show

Today’s show contains key fob hacking, information on how to milk various animals, grand theft auto, an amazing new demonstration of something Synthead calls Dueling Lunk Alarms, a robbery announcement, and a naked girl smoking cigarettes. Listen to The Snow Plow Show podcast Listen to Milkbox on Monday Listen to
In early April I was staying at the Motel 6 in Roy, New Mexico when the front desk rang my bedside phone and began telling me the craziest things about chickens and insisting that he was not a police officer. In the end, after a 2 hour standoff, I finally
Today’s show contains mostly calls from the past couple of weeks on various prank call shows. We start Milkbox accusing a hotel of premeditated crimes against his car windows, then RBCP disassembles his neighbor’s air conditioner, it seems suspicious that so many people seem to lick their lips at Devon,
King Richard annoys an old man with hop scotch, a very angry guy plans to twist Brad’s head right off his body, Milkbox accidentally enforces the rules on the wrong hotel guest, Dragonmere is banned from most hotels, and a lady denies that she built a panic room in her
I mail a lot of things to prank callers because of my prank call show, but it’s been a few years since I put together a flyer advertising a bunch of other prank call shows to include in the envelopes of stickers, prank call CDs, or whatever else I’m mailing
Resident prank call artist Nik Caesar from has been making art for the prank call community for many years now, and is suddenly releasing a lot of free comic book PDFs of his work. My favorite by far is this comic book he did about Lt. Tuck Pendleton, who

This episode was created by JIAD, the host of many great shows of the past and present, including RSPC, The Art of Phone Larking, Calls of Mass Confusion, and plenty of other things that you can find on his YouTube channel. In this episode, Jiad showcases a few calls from
Why hello there. I’m Brad Carter, host of The Snow Plow Show. I’ve been doing podcasts and live shows for over a decade now, and a lot of people ask me questions about broadcasting phone calls, so I’m making a very simple video to explain how to set up a

Today we start with Snappy Bakes winning an argument against an accomplished attorney, Brad makes an NFT of Owen’s head, Devon deals with people licking their lips at her every single week, Dwight steals the trailer of a homophobe, and a lady finds out the hard way that she’s been
Today’s show has Wasted Memory keeping kids healthy, Dwight knocking on doors, Jiad chatting about aliens, Devon hollering at rednecks, and Dragonmere lodging a formal complaint against a customer. The opening tune was expertly rapped by Carol Gerseberms, using beats she stole from a Del The Funky Homosapien song called
Today’s show has Dwight being a 4 eyed lame, Dragonmere peeing in public sinks, RBCP inspiring an Arby’s employee to ring a bell, XYZ testing a lunk alarm, and Devon waking up a poor man who only wanted to sleep. Shame on you Devon. The opening tune was expertly rapped

Not only does this show have dark magic curses and dangerous lawn robots, it also has a lady yelling the F word at Dwight, a perfectly reasonable window washer, and lasers! Links to Dwight, Wasted, and the Goonz are in the paragraph below. I’m too lazy to paste them again.

Today you get a husband yelling about his wife, a man yelling about his fiance, an egg-launching trebuchet, a vaccine mandate, and Dragonmere is looking for a new job. The intro song is by HD-flat Beats. The background music is Flip All The Switches by Redbox and the Chilipeppers. The

Here’s a bunch of pranks by me and only me. There’s a car ding, some Beverly Bot, RFID wallet schemes, and the blueprints to some guy’s house. The intro song is by dkm90. The background music is Flip All The Switches by Redbox and the Chilipeppers. The ending song is

LISTEN HERE, PAL. I’ve made a page for Beverly with an easier URL to remember. It’s at Beverly is an angry old woman who will lash out at everyone who calls her, while coming up with some really crazy threats and insults. And she’s ready to take phone calls
Today’s episode has pranks by Dragonmere from The Corndown, SP Link also from The Corndown, Leon from the Leon Haberdashery Show, Devon and Mr. Biggs from the Take Your Pants Off show, Wasted Memory from the Wasted Memory Show, and RBCP from The Snow Plow Show. Here’s the full video

This episode starts with an intro song performed by HD-flat Beats before turning into a bunch of hobo audio for the short intro. After that you get to hear some car dings, an old hang up the phone call, a coffin delivery, and an old lady to hates bus people.

Brad has a weird conversation with Howard, Devon proclaims a winner in the new Mountain Dew contest, Dwight tries to help some boomers understand how eBay works, and Carol does a followup call on a prank you haven’t even heard yet. Click on the things below for links. The intro

Our hiatus is broken with some great calls where Dragonmere gets owned by a hotel desk clerk, Carol owes a man an apology over a milk door disagreement, RBCP may NOT provide a safe haven to Antifa members in his trailer, Carlito causes K-Mart to go out of business, Tom

Can you believe I’m 48 episodes into this show and I still haven’t done a flip all the switches theme? This type of prank call involves telling a store employee to shut off all the power and damn the consequences. It’s a mean prank and you shouldn’t do it. No

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, but more importantly, Happy Pranksgiving. It’s that time of year when Prank Call Nation organizes a bunch of prank callers to do an entire 24 hours of wacky calls to brighten up everyone’s holiday weekend. This show includes calls by Devon Anustart, SP Link, Dragonmere, Wasted Memory,
(Albany, OR) The internet prank group The Phone Losers of America (PLA) has been awarded religion status in the US after a 2-year-long court battle. Brad Carter, the ‘Pope’ of the PLA, delivered a well-worded response to initial challenges last April and this week judges delivered a final verdict approving

Today Daisy heard everything that you said and that’s why she said what she said, Dragonmere messes up and pings someone’s car instead of dinging it, Devon attempts to hook up with an attractive young lady by leaving a misleading note on her car because TV sitcoms have taught us

If you don’t know him already, RBCP (aka Mr. Carter) is one of the founders of Phone Losers of America and hosts a series of popular podcasts and YouTube channels. For the past few months, I’ve investigated Mr. Carter in deep undercover to unravel the truth behind his mysterious persona.

On today’s show, Roy finds a GPS tracker hidden on the car he bought, Dwight tells a lady she ordered a vagina wig, King Richard installs an air traffic control tower on a lady’s roof, Brad has a time traveling accident, and Carlito accidentally dings an Audi. Today’s show art

A how-to guide on how to set up your own pro-pranker style phone system on the cheap using only a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of other stuff.

In today’s show, Snappy Bakes and Martin have a showdown, King Richard teaches an elderly lady about tachyons, time dialation, and quantum mechanics, a pizza customer isn’t happy to hear a chicken get murdered while he’s on the phone, and landlords don’t appreciate when you flush fistfulls of dandelions down

It’s been two months since I put together one of these shows, and then I show up and just give you three lousy calls. I am kind of a jerk. This show includes a classic collect call from about ten years ago, a call to a lady about her man’s

Today’s episode features mostly calls to people who think their line has been mysteriously crossed with a neighbor, only to find out that things aren’t as they seem with their spouse. There’s also a good call by Dragonmere. Listen to Dragonmere’s Show on Tuesday nights around 4pm Pacific / 7pm

Today’s episode features people who like to complain on the internet about companies, sometimes even posting their phone numbers, and then act appalled when some weird internet person calls them back pretending to be with the company. Listen to Dragonmere’s Show Listen to Wasted Memory’s Show Tonight after Dragonmere’s show

In today’s show I attempt to build an ark on top of my trailer, I have some issues with the AirBNB tenants in my trailer, I hang dead animals on my trailer, I raise the foundation of my trailer, and I drive my trailer over to the other side of

Today we’re telling home owners that the city will be digging large holes in their front yard to find some treasure after an old pirate map was found behind a filing cabinet. Will home owners care about large holes in their front lawns? Find out on today’s show! The opening

Today’s episode features calls from Dwight The Janitor, Dragonmere, The Telephone Bandits, Carbon and Clay from Partytime. It’s a great show of people getting angry for various ridiculous reasons and Planet Fitness employees doing really dumb things. Thanks, MC Lars, for loaning me your prank call collection The torrent will

Here’s an after-Christmas episode to get you started with your new year and hopefully motivate you to take down your Christmas tree and decorations. These calls are taken from last week’s Snow Plow Show and last year’s Snow Plow Show. If you like Tenants From Hell calls, here is a

In today’s episode you get to hear the mall santa make unusual demands to random stores in the mall, set up fights with Carrot Top, talk awkwardly to little kids, and power down one of the rogue robotic elves just in the nick of time. The opening song is performed
Today’s show starts off with a car ding call to a lady who doesn’t respect the dating life of a cripple, then a girl who seems to hate cats. After that you’ll hear the best rendition of Joy To The World played on kitchen pots ever, and a gas station
Hi there. It’s been awhile! Today you’re going to hear a show with just 4 pranks in it. They’re from the good ole days of 2015, back when I used to trick oil change companies into giving me customer phone numbers so I could call the customers and act like
This show will prove that 9 of 10 Americans have an irrational fear of microwaves. The opening song is a parody of Mistadobalina by Del And The Funky Homosapien Bunch, the ending song is Digging Out by Milk Plus. If you like the calls you heard in this episode, then
Today’s show is a collection of calls to trailer park managers who rarely seem to have time for my immature shenanigans. Intro music vocals by DKM90, some of the background music is Borderline by Camper Van Beethoven, ending song is Sublevel Rhapsody by Redbox and the Chilipeppers. If you like
It’s that time of year again, when people drag all their crap onto the lawn and sell it for bargain basement prices. And they sometimes include their phone number in their Craiglist ad. Which means phone calls from me. Calls from this episode are mostly taken from Snow Plow Show
Some businesses out there like to do “silent auctions” where they leave out a paper for you to put your name and phone number on to buy an item. And my listeners love sending me photos of these lists when they find them. Here are some calls I made last
Because of Matthew in Washington you’re about to hear some calls I made two years ago pretending to be with the city and telling people all the crazy things we’re about to do with their private property. Today’s version of the intro song is from HD-flat Beats. The background music
Here’s a show filled with calls to members of a church. Thanks, DKM90, for helping us eliminate Carol’s vocals in at least some of the shows. Visit DKM90 on Facebook and YouTube, or search for him on Spotify and iTunes. If you like the calls you heard in this episode,
Today’s episode brings you a small collection of my neighbors who don’t care that I got dog poop in my hair while I was lying in their lawns in the middle of the night. Opening intro song by Carol with beats by Del, background music during the outro is Applause by
This show exposes the seedy underbelly of the dart league world, including their heartless pursuits of money at the expense of helpless animals, their cold-hearted killing abilities, their willingness to drop what they’re doing to go kill someone, and their wish that I would just die under a rock. It’s
This collection of calls is mostly from 2015, with a couple from 2016 thrown in. They’re calls to customers of a few shoe stores who aren’t used to shoe orders being such a hassle. The new intro song is by Carol. Background music is Try by Pink. If you like
I can’t believe that after nearly a year of shows and 23 episodes, I still haven’t done a show dedicated to oil change pranks. Episode 24 contains a few of my favorite lube job calls from 2015 and 2016. The opening music is Mista Dobalina by Del The Funky Homosapien
Today’s show contains only three calls, but they’re long and awesome because you can’t go wrong with calls about tunnels underneath houses. If you like the calls you heard in this episode, then you’ll probably like my other podcast, called The Snow Plow Show. I also pop up occasionally on
Today’s show takes a few of the best Halloween themed prank calls from 2016 and 2017 shows and presents them to you in a single, easy-to-digest show, devoid of long rambling intros, phone news, and thirty minutes of listener voicemails. Here’s a link to download Devo Spice’s PC Halloween and
Customers who’ve made online complaints against their local grocery stores get to deal with Mr. Dobalina’s horrible customer service skills as he fails to resolve their complaints, but at the same time causes them to look at things from a different perspective while teaching them a valuable life lesson. This
This episode is the exciting sequel to episode 19, where I called guests who’d recently stayed in a hotel to accuse them of various wacky things. Or maybe it’s more like a remake or a reboot, since it’s essentially the same plot but with slightly different situations. Either way, enjoy
Today’s episode has some angry hotel guests. Angry that they got caught stealing from us, angry that they got called out for peeing in the beds, angry that they can’t successfully scam us out of a fat stack of ones. You know, THOSE kinds of guests. Opening music is by
This episode introduces apartment managers to the latest YouTube craze – my channel where I flush insane things down the toilet, like Skittles and drywall mud. For some reason they have a problem with me living the dream, probably because they’re jealous. Visit the Weird Stuff YouTube channel Listen to
Today’s episode dives back into the world of a homeowner’s association ruled by Frank, which you first heard call to back in episode 12. Pretty much all of these calls are centered around the previous night’s fireworks celebrations. The opening song is by Parry Gripp. The background music is Magic Fly
In today’s show I call unsuspecting improv partners to do skits about self-driving robot cars and space. The opening song is by Parry Gripp. The background music is Magic Fly by Space. Ending music is Robot Parade by They Might Be Giants. Be sure to watch today’s episode of Calls
In today’s episode we’ll be talking to owners of dogs who use a community dog park which I think is a part of a home owners association. You’ll hear me ask dog owners to stop smelling their dog’s poop, demand that they like the dog park page on Facebook, and
Today’s episode features people still caring what their phone number is, even though nobody memorizes phone numbers anymore. We tell a few people that we’re with the phone company and that we’ve given their phone number to someone more important than them. If you like the calls you heard in
Today’s episode contains nothing but calls to homeowners who live under the strict rule of their local homeowners association. You’ll hear a lot of references to Frank, who was one of the big wigs at that HoA. He probably had the most interesting week ever after our calls. If
Today’s episode contains nothing but calls to homeowners who live under the strict rule of their local homeowners association. You’ll hear a lot of references to Frank, who was one of the big wigs at that HoA. He probably had the most interesting week ever after our calls. If
Some residents of an apartment complex can’t obey a simple request that they not draw all over the sidewalks with chalk like a bunch of 5-year-olds. We also listen to a few more of those car recall pranks, but this time they’re much shorter calls. If you like the calls
This episode is basically just one long prank, made to a family who believed for awhile that their car would never go faster than 55 MPH again. Opening music by Redbox and the Chilipeppers, background music is Perfect Timing by David Lee Roth and ending music is Cooking By The
I do a reference check on a listener who has dug an intricate network of tunnels all over town, and attempt to hook up electrical service for tenants who happen to live under apartment buildings. These calls were taken from episode 431 of The Snow Plow Show. Opening music is
This show contains a few calls where I let people know that I just don’t like them, and a few more Car Ding calls. Opening and ending music is called Ten Digits Later by El Hombre and today’s background music is The Hotline by The Pool Boys. If you like
Today’s episode features a call by Trainwreck and has a couple of calls to customers who accidentally called us for bank loan information and a few calls to people who signed a petition to stop a crosswalk from completely ruining their entire town. Listen to Trainwreck’s prank calls at
Get ready to hear me have serious conversations with dog park members, car owners, and some people I just don’t like that much. We also hear a call from XYZ and a song by Bonecage called Charlie Loves You. The opening song is Crazy Weirdo by Parry Gripp and the
In this episode we start with a few more of those calls where I accuse my neighbors of writing in the snow on my car windows every damn morning, then we end things with a classic call by Carlito from Madhouse Live. Opening music is Parry Gripp and the closing
Today’s show takes advantage of the snowfall we’ve had recently by doing a very scientific psychological experiment on my unsuspecting neighbors as I ask them to stop drawing things in the snow on my car. Opening music is by Weird Al Yankovic and closing music is Dog Are Weird by
Most gym customers are big fat jerks and this episode will prove it. Listen to me deal with customers that do disgusting things and then threaten me when they don’t get their way. Music in this episode provided by Bruno Mars and Weird Al Yankovic. Calls taken from The Snow
You’re about to be introduced to the amazing world of butthole winking and sickos who think it’s okay to wink their buttholes at complete strangers. This episodes calls are taken from The Snow Plow Show Episode 419. Opening music by JayDee, background music is My Dog Lives On The Moon
In the premiere episode of Mr. Dobalina’s Wonderful World of Prank Calls, we call up a few landlords as their tenants and try to convince them that we’re mentally ill. Spoiler alert: It usually works. This episode features calls by Roy and Staci. Our intro song is by Parry Gripp