Today’s show contains mostly calls from the past couple of weeks on various prank call shows. We start Milkbox accusing a hotel of premeditated crimes against his car windows, then RBCP disassembles his neighbor’s air conditioner, it seems suspicious that so many people seem to lick their lips at Devon,
Year: 2022
King Richard annoys an old man with hop scotch, a very angry guy plans to twist Brad’s head right off his body, Milkbox accidentally enforces the rules on the wrong hotel guest, Dragonmere is banned from most hotels, and a lady denies that she built a panic room in her
I mail a lot of things to prank callers because of my prank call show, but it’s been a few years since I put together a flyer advertising a bunch of other prank call shows to include in the envelopes of stickers, prank call CDs, or whatever else I’m mailing
Resident prank call artist Nik Caesar from has been making art for the prank call community for many years now, and is suddenly releasing a lot of free comic book PDFs of his work. My favorite by far is this comic book he did about Lt. Tuck Pendleton, who

This episode was created by JIAD, the host of many great shows of the past and present, including RSPC, The Art of Phone Larking, Calls of Mass Confusion, and plenty of other things that you can find on his YouTube channel. In this episode, Jiad showcases a few calls from
Why hello there. I’m Brad Carter, host of The Snow Plow Show. I’ve been doing podcasts and live shows for over a decade now, and a lot of people ask me questions about broadcasting phone calls, so I’m making a very simple video to explain how to set up a

Today we start with Snappy Bakes winning an argument against an accomplished attorney, Brad makes an NFT of Owen’s head, Devon deals with people licking their lips at her every single week, Dwight steals the trailer of a homophobe, and a lady finds out the hard way that she’s been
Today’s show has Wasted Memory keeping kids healthy, Dwight knocking on doors, Jiad chatting about aliens, Devon hollering at rednecks, and Dragonmere lodging a formal complaint against a customer. The opening tune was expertly rapped by Carol Gerseberms, using beats she stole from a Del The Funky Homosapien song called