I mail a lot of things to prank callers because of my prank call show, but it’s been a few years since I put together a flyer advertising a bunch of other prank call shows to include in the envelopes of stickers, prank call CDs, or whatever else I’m mailing to prank callers. So tonight while in the midst of mailing things out, I took a break and created a 2-sided flyer advertising every show I could think of.

I’m 100% positive that I forgot to include a bunch of shows, but that’s okay because not only will I fix this the next time I print a bunch of flyers, but the flyers are still good at pointing people toward our various communities to help them find shows they like. Here are both sides of the flyer:

The ads I put on the front side were mostly based on cool art I could find for the shows, but also because I liked them. And also because one is me. Don’t be mad, I’ll change it up on a future version. Also, I think I could fit a couple more shows on there if I shrink the images a little.
Anyway, the reason for this post isn’t just to tell you that I’m mailing about 75 of these out tonight and tomorrow, but to invite you to print out the flyers yourself and promote your own show or shows that you love by hanging the flyers wherever you can or mailing them out to people with your own things. Here are three links you can use to print these out.
Get this one if you want only the side with the six prank call show ads on it.
Get this one if you want only the side with the large list of prank show links.