Today’s show has a man freaking out over personal papers that don’t exist, confusion over the *11 telephone codes, I replacing my apartment’s electrical wiring with water, and Milkbox ruins the entire Lord’s Day for one woman. The opening intro cover song is by HD-flat Beats. The background music throughout
Year: 2023
Every year my favorite holiday, Dingtember, arrived where listeners leave notes on cars that claim I dinged them, and I deal with all the fallout from the notes. Included in this episode are a few good ding calls from recent years. Opening parody of Mista Dobalina is by DKM90. The
Today we’re listening to nothing but Tenants From Hell calls from The Snow Plow Show. You’ll get to hear land lords deal with toilet paper tubes, tenants crawling around on roofs, a beach theme on the floors, and a tenant-built walk-in freezer. Here’s a link to The Snow Plow Show

Today’s show contains key fob hacking, information on how to milk various animals, grand theft auto, an amazing new demonstration of something Synthead calls Dueling Lunk Alarms, a robbery announcement, and a naked girl smoking cigarettes. Listen to The Snow Plow Show podcast Listen to Milkbox on Monday Listen to
In early April I was staying at the Motel 6 in Roy, New Mexico when the front desk rang my bedside phone and began telling me the craziest things about chickens and insisting that he was not a police officer. In the end, after a 2 hour standoff, I finally