The Best in Fake Podcasting
RSPC is a podcast hosted Ryan Token who interviews anyone from random experts, to self-help authors, and even celebrities. But no matter who it is he interviews, the show gets really weird once he starts taking calls. Come join Ryan, Carol, and the callers as they explore the ins and out of running a podcast poorly on purpose!

A ghost of RSPC past came on again and then wrote another scathing review about her experience in an article that has potential to get dozens of views across the whole internet! Ryan could not enjoy his last days of summer if this besmirchment of his good name continue on Les Grandes Vacances. So he ordered Carol to work through her covid until she made a proper video response showing that the claims are completely fabricated! Also this is Jiad’s 1 million view celebration on YouTube, so let’s congratulate him on that! Plus Snappybakes did the narration again and I hear she is pretty cool for doing that! Anyways happy dog days of summer everyone. Enjoy! I love you all!

On this episode of RSPC Ryan interviews the Great Gini Graham Scott! This time the discussion is less about how to detect scammers and more about how to date men in prison. The callers have so many questions about prion love that Gini gets a little uncomfortable.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews Diane Gilman know for selling her pants on QVC. After so high level business chit chat, the callers interrupt as they do.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a comedian named Dale Irvin as they discuss how to say his name a lot. Also, Carol gets a new crush, and the callers ask some dumb questions.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews Cy Young about what batman was best or something. Plus Ryan might be a Juggalo now. Either way, the calls just screw up everything worse than Carol does.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews UFO experts Stephen and Leslie Shaw, who uncover some new bombshell evidence of what the Peruvian alien mummies are, and what it is they want. Or that is what I would be saying if it wasn’t for the callers messing it all up! Come on, Carol get it right!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interview legendary entertainer, mentalist, and author, The Amazing Kreskin! They discuss Kreskin’s astounding 7 decade long career that includes appearances on Johnny Carson, Howard Stern, Regis and Kathie Lee, David Letterman, and countless daytime talk shows. There was even a movie made about his life starring some guy named John Malkovich. Everything was going truly AMAZING. But then up come those callers…Thanks Carol!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to David Page who created the hit TV show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives about future food trends in the US. Then the callers prove once again that they are not to be trusted. Not even sure why Carol keeps putting through calls anymore. But she does.

On this episode of ESPC, Ryan interviews an author name Ben Freeman about his new book about angels. Ryan shows Ben who the real angels is by making him his very own radio ad! Plus, some callers make the show really hard to comprehend.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to reality TV star, and the best survivalist in the world EJ Snyder, about Ryan’s loss to Tim Henson on Street Beefs. Then the callers set up their own type of survival challenge that goes just about as good as it could go against a man who starves himself in the woods for fun. But over all, EJ was a truly amazing guest and it was great to have him on! Go check him out everyone.

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a marijuana expert on the new effect of society it brings. Plus some caller talks about flipping her bean, while another is denied desert due to a dry bird. Enjoy!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a Doctor Reverend about the importance of menopause on producing a podcast. Carol threatens to strike. And the callers ruin everything…again!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a couples expert about his new love but for what ever reason the guest just thinks we and our questions are all stupid. So Carol calls her back… But that’s when the edibles began to take hold!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews top 1940’s musician Meade Skeleton to discuss what is wrong with the music today. Then the show turns into a musical with callers. So yeah all pretty weird, but to be expected!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews comedian Neil Berliner and things don’t go as planned. Plus the callers just made it worse. Ryan really should think about taking less calls…

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan has a guest on to talk about success and how to achieve it. But mostly he talks about how his friend Peter Barnett is finally going to tell the world about his self-help book, “Ryan Token’s Seminar of Life.” Plus the callers have some interesting problems.

On this episodes of RSPC, Ryan talks to an expert on rebooting brains in hopes it can help Carol and all the stress she seems to have at work. Then of course the callers screwed all that up. Sorry about the audio differences in the first 8 minutes. I blame Carol. Enjoy!

A ghost of RSPC past wrote a scathing review about her experience in an article that has potential to get dozens of views across the whole internet! Ryan could not enjoy his holiday’s if this besmirchment of his good name continue on Jesus’s birthday. So he ordered Carol to work through Christmas until she made a proper video response showing that the claims are completely fabricated! Also this is Jiad’s 400th You Tube video so let’s congratulate him on that! Plus Snappybakes did the narration and I hear she is pretty cool for doing that! Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. Enjoy! I love you all!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a death expert. And it couldn’t be better timing either after what happened at the “St. Roy’s Feed The Hungry Event.” We lost so many… Oh and the callers were big old jerks the whole time of course!

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a old man who wrote a book about selling celebrities cum for huge profits. He was not amused with Ryan or the callers. But Carol still did a survey anyways.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a man who teaches people how to live their life like 007 himself, James Bond. The callers mess things up like usual and I am starting to wonder why Ryan even takes calls. Enjoy!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a woman about how she wants to get all the old people high on weed. Then the callers screw up the whole thing. Buy Weed Drank Soda Today!

On todays episode of RSPC, Ryan and Carol learn about astrology or astronomy… I always forget which one is which. Anyways Anne joins the show to teach us about the subject but the callers become an issue. Get ready because class is about to begin!

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan invites on two psychics to help take care of the “Stop Oil” protest that is going on against him and his show. The callers, who are mostly made up of pranking protesters, become a real problem.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan has guy on who wrote a book claiming 1001 to market a book. But then has trouble recalling more than a few ways to market. Plus the callers are even more problematic than normal. Anyways, but Cactus Coin today!

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan and Carol get the help they need to address the anger issues between the two that lead to Ryan quitting the show. Plus some callers have issues too.

On this incredible episode of RSPC, Dr. Richard London helps Ryan reach his dream of becoming a movie star, the caller have concerns about using attractive children to get rich, and Carol just cannot accept that Ryan is now a star! Enjoy!

On this episode of RSPC, Ryan discusses his recent divorce with Pick-Up Artist Vince Kelvin. Then the callers have questions about the definition of consent, kinky bucket lists, and how to avoid dating people like Vince. Romance is in the air, so enjoy

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan discusses his new book and the guest celebrity who is endorsing it. Then he talk to an expert to learns about his superpowers, while callers learn about their gifts as well. But then some anti-Canadian hate talk derails the whole show near the end. And no, this one isn’t Carols fault!

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a UFO expert who dabbles in all that is paranormal. Ryan being a huge fan of all things paranormal gets very engaged with his guest. Per usual, if it wasn’t for the callers this would have been a 10 out of 10 interview. You can thank Carol for that!

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews none other DC Glenn, also know as DC the Brain Supreme from hip-hop duo Tag Team. As Ryan listens in awe as he meets a childhood idle pf his; his listeners struggle with understanding who the shows guest is

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a shame expert who feels that we shouldn’t own or give shame to anyone. Callers beg the Lois to forgive their shame. And finally Ryan forgives the bible.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a lawn expert about challenges grasses face in todays political climate. Some callers ask questions of their own about lawn. But most importantly Ryan finally gets to talk about his lawn.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a meat expert to discuss the latest issues in the meat industries and problems with potential shortages. The listeners have some questions that are so tender they fall right off the bone.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a scam expert to help his audience stay safe from con-artist who might claim to be more than who they actually are. The calls become a bit too much and the show falls apart. Ryan will try harder next time.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews tarot card reader Thomas R. Brooks and takes calls from the audience. As the questions come in, it becomes clear that there is some confusion to exactly what a Tarot card reader does.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to a love expert about how he finally cracked the code to winning a woman’s love. Also, some musician named Wigwolf is there too. He is some sort of a love expert too.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan talks to professional wrestler Brimstone. The callers try to smash him with metaphorical chairs, but Brim roles with the punches like a true professional.

The Counsel of Time Capsules prohibits the listening of this episode until the year 3021. People of the future, listen as Ryan talks to an ancient author about something we used to call books. While people that used to be alive make jokes in ways that have no doubt become illegal in your time!

In this episode of RSPC Ryan talks with a couple of advice experts and take questions form the listeners. A heated discussion about the immoral practices of hypnosis leads Ryan to confess a crime he once committed.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews an author who tells you what to expect in life. But things go south quickly when he finds out a whole lot of callers are having trouble caring. Thanks for the idea old friend.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews a couple psychics named Renee. Callers discuss grease burns, try to palm read the Sex in the City reboot, and Ryan loses his cool.

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan interviews Dwight’s favorite psychic about her research into the paranormal. Callers ask some strange questions. Oh yeah, and we think Dwight died…

In this episode of RSPC, Ryan and Carol interview the very nice author of a book about her dog book. They take some unusual questions from the audience. And carol has some girl time with the guest after some criminal gets involved.

Calls Of Mass Confusion was a prank show that ran from 2016 to 2018 and is one of the silliest projects Jiad and the gang ever worked on. Video adds a lot to prank calls and this entire series is video that shows reactions from people that were pranked in stores and skype calls.

The Art of Phone Larking was a prank call podcast Jiad did in early to mid 2010’s. A lot of CoMC ideas were born here.
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